The big day has come and gone and we are sure it was beautiful! Now it's time to sit down with your husband and open all the gifts and cards your guests and relatives have given to you. Here are some tips from Pat Mahoney, Directory of Training for National Bridal Service:
1) Tailor each note to the relationship you have with the person you are sending the note to. What you write to your boss at work will be much different from what you write to your favorite aunt.
2) Be as specific as possible about the gift in your thank you. Avoid any generalities such as "Thank you for the lovely gift". Tell the guest how special the gift is to you and how you will use it, after all, they put a lot of thought into it! Write as you would speak to the guest- spontaneously!
3) Read your thank you back to yourself and ask yourself if you would find the note thoughtful and sincere. If not, start the note over. It is better to send a sincere thank you rather than a hurried one.
4) If you end up receiving a duplicate gift or if you get a gift from a group of people, write each individual a thank you note as if they were the only ones to give it to you.
5) If you receive a gift of money, tell your guest how you plan on using the money. It will show that you recognize the thoughtfulness of a monetary gift and that you intend to use it as you and your husband build your new lives together!
Remember, try to have all of your gifts acknowledged within two or three months from your wedding. It does not have to be just the bride writing the thank yous either! Plan a night with your husband to sit down with a glass of wine and open the cards and write the notes together- it will be a special time for the two of you to genuinely thank your guests.
Happy wedding planning (or wedding thanking!)